
Prezzo normale €5,90
LEGÙ® Veg Ragù combines a rich and tasty taste with simplicity of preparation: just add all the ingredients in a pan, cover it with a lid and cook for just 5 minutes.
Peso confezione : 80 g

Delivery guaranteed in 24/48 hours

Prezzo normale €5,90

On the occasion of Veganuary, try our Veg Ragù.
Ready in just over 5 minutes and with just a few ingredients:

– 240g of water
– 600g of tomato puree
– a pack of vegetable ragù (80g)

Ingredienti: 58% legumi decorticati cotti a vapore (in proporzione variabile tra ceci, lenticchie gialle, fagioli bianchi, piselli gialli, fagiolo nero), cereali senza glutine cotti a vapore (mais giallo, sorgo, saraceno, mais bianco, miglio) carote, cipolla, sale marino integrale, pomodoro, cavolo verde, spinaci, pepe nero, curcuma, spirulina. SENZA GLUTINE.


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