Intrecci – 4 Legumes

22 venduti nelle ultime 18 ore
Prezzo normale €3,39
Our Intertwining they are a source of fibre and low in fat.

They are lighter and more digestible because the legumes present are left first soaked, steamed whole, hulled, dried and ground

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Intrecci – 4 Legumes
Intrecci – 4 Legumes
Prezzo normale €3,39

Our Intrecci are lighter and more digestible because the legumes are first left to soak, steamed whole, dried and minced.

Property Gluten Free – 100% Natural
Rich in protein – Rich in fibre
High Yield 50 g portion = 120 g after cooking
Portions 3 abundant
Cooking 2/3 minutes

Ingredients : steamed white bean flour, steamed chickpea flour, steamed hulled yellow lentil flour, steamed yellow pea flour.

Without Allergens

Preparation method : cook in boiling water over low heat for the time indicated on the package with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. During cooking the product tends to form foam.

Characteristics : gluten-free, without additives, rich in vegetable proteins, high fiber content, bronze drawn, dried at low temperature, artisanal, produced in Italy.

Ingredienti: farina di fagioli bianchi cotti a vapore, farina di ceci cotti a vapore, farina di lenticchie gialle decorticate cotte a vapore, farina di piselli gialli cotti a vapore.

Senza Allergeni


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